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Ten essential sections to include on your homepage to maximize conversions

July 31, 2024


mins read

Your homepage is arguably the most important page on your website! Getting it right is essential if you want to turn visitors from lurkers into long-time fans. Statistics show that it only takes 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion on your site - that’s 0.05 seconds. In the blink of an eye or the snap of the fingers, your site makes its first impression. 

So I wanted to provide you with a streamlined guide on how to nail your homepage and set the stage for building trust with your audience and dialing up your conversions.

1. Navigation Bar

The navigation bar should be simple and intuitive. Use clear labels, and ensure it’s responsive across all devices (this is important - if your website isn’t responsive across all devices, your SEO tanks). Anchor the navbar to the top of the page, so users can easily access it even when scrolling. This prevents the frustration of having to scroll all the way back to the top to view another page, which might make visitors leave your site quickly. 

2. Above-the-Fold / Hero Section

The above-the-fold section is the first thing visitors see before they scroll. Which is why you should include a catchy headline that communicates who you are, what you do, and who you serve. Add a call-to-action button here to guide your visitors on their scroll through your site.

3. Transformation/Mission Statement

Instead of just writing 6 bullet points about what you do, talk about the transformation your clients experience when they work with you. How do you take your audience from point A to point B? What emotions do they feel before and after working with you? Capture this transformation in one compelling sentence.

4. Services Overview

Showcase what you have to offer by inviting your audience into your world. Don’t just list your services (they don’t want to see that you offer a free 30 strategy call); emphasize the outcomes and the value you bring (they want to hear that by the end of a simple 30 minute call they’ll be able to target their dream audience and quickly book out within weeks). Highlight the benefits your clients can expect when they work with you.

5. Portfolio/Work Preview

If you’re a service provider, your portfolio is the perfect place to show off your work. Build out case studies for your projects instead of simply uploading images. Give visitors a walkthrough of your problem-solving skills and the results you’ve achieved, providing context to your work.

6. About Section

Introduce yourself in a way that puts your audience at the forefront. The about section should be more than a resume; it’s a chance for your personality to shine through and to establish an emotional connection with your visitors. Humanize your brand by sharing your story and making it relatable.

7. Testimonials / Social Proof

Adding testimonials and social proof can speed up the trust-building process. Showcasing reviews from past clients gives visitors a sense of ease and helps them visualize the value you bring. Including photos with testimonials adds a human element, strengthening trust.

8. Blogs

These aren’t absolutely necessary, but starting a blog is highly recommended. Regular updates improve search engine rankings and demonstrate your expertise. Featuring recent blog posts on your homepage encourages visitors to explore further and see your business as a valuable resource.

9. Final Call to Action

Your homepage’s final call to action is your closing argument - make it count! Position this just above the footer to capture attention and direct visitors toward the desired next step, whether it’s booking a call, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. Ensure CTA is clear and action-oriented.

10. Footer

The footer should provide quick access to important information and links. Include elements such as contact details, social media icons, newsletter sign-up, and links to key pages like your privacy policy and terms of service. A well-designed footer improves navigation and keeps visitors engaged.

Your homepage sets the tone for your business, and getting it right can make all the difference in converting visitors into loyal customers. By focusing on these essential elements, you can create a welcoming, informative, and engaging homepage that sets you apart from the competition.

If you need help creating a homepage that converts, check out my web design services. Let’s turn your website lurkers into long-time fans!

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Olivia Su

Founder and Lead Designer